
Petrochemical Supplies & Applications | Elmatic

Elmatic is a trusted manufacturer of petrochemical supplies and applications within the industry for heating elements. All of the applications are suitable n the petrochemical industry. The petrochemical industry needs an extensive for heating elements to the refining process. We design all of our heaters and applications to the highest standard to make sure that our customers are satisfied with the application.

With our fantastic selection of petrochemical applications, they are suitable for the following heaters:

We have a huge range of immersion heaters which are an appropriate application for supplies in the petrochemical industry. They are used for electric heating and manufactured in our factory to world class standards.

Tubular rod heating elements are a suitable application in the petrochemical industry. They are capable of heating to temperatures of up to 750oC and benefits from a robust design.

Our selection of ceramic core heaters are suitable for application within tanks and cylinders being used to heat fluids. Ceramic core heaters are often used in the petrochemical industry, and our selection benefits from world-class manufacturing.

Thermocouples are used to gauge a temperature between -200oC to 1250oC. They are made of the highest quality and a sport robust design. Also, they are available in Mineral Insulated format.

Our wide selection of heating elements includes a suitable range of petrochemical supplies and applications. For more information regarding our applications or heaters, please call us (029) 2077 8727 and one of our friendly team members will be more than happy to assist your needs. Needless to say, that Elmatic is the largest UK suppliers of heating elements.

Please view our gallery of similar heaters supplied to our customers in the Industry.